Lehrstuhl und Institut für Schienenfahrzeuge
Seffenter Weg 8
52074 Aachen
Tel.: (0241) 80-255 63
Already for the 23rd time, the IFS, together with the German Machine Engineering Society (DMG) - traditionally every second year in December - organized the rail vehicle technical seminar.
This year it took place on the 11/12/2018. The topic was "Digitalisierung und Big Data".
The program and further informations You will find here.
For seminar participants the lectures are available to download.
Please send a request to Sekretariat@ifs.rwth-aachen.de.
You then will receive a link to download with a password.
Lehrstuhl und Institut für Schienenfahrzeuge
Seffenter Weg 8
52074 Aachen
Tel.: (0241) 80-255 63
Email: sekretariat@ifs.rwth-aachen.de
Institutsleitung: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Raphael Pfaff