Project, bachelor's and master's theses
You can find here a selection of project, bachelor’s and master’s theses. Many of them can be written either as bachelor’s or master’s thesis upon agreement.
Publications Schindler
Gil, P.; Rakowitsch, M.; Schindler, C.: Experimental Investigation on the Formation of Railway Wheel Polygonisation. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Con
The International Railway Symposium Aachen (IRSA) will take place in Aachen from November 22 - 23, 2023.
The organization is in the hands of DVVMedia (Eurailpress). To register your part
Chair and Institute for Rail Vehicles and Transport Systems Seffenter Weg 8 52074 Aachen
Tel: (+49)241 80-255 63 Fax: (+49)241 80-22145 Email:
Publications Dellmann
Dellmann, Torsten; Abdelfattah, Basem: Losradfahrwerke als Alternative für den Hochgeschwindigkeitsverkehr - Umsetzung des Potenzials des Losradlaufwerkes mittels eines F
Publications Frederich
Frederich, Fritz: Rasterfahndung – Wie geht es weiter mit den Bahnen? ZEVrail Glasers Annalen - 126 (2002), 6/7, S. 262-269, ISSN 1618-8330
The RWTH and the Rhenish Mining Region, Episode 4: Mobility
With the film series "Structure + Change. RWTH and the Rhenish Mining District", RWTH highlights scientific approaches for the mining dis